What to Do After a Truck Accident | Bert McDowell Injury Law | Bert McDowell Injury Law

What to Do After a Truck Accident

Car accident with commercial truck

Nobody wants to get hit by a commercial truck. These vehicles weigh as much as 80,000 pounds. The typical passenger vehicle can get crushed by these heavy trucks. 

If you are involved in a truck accident, you may be entitled to significant compensation. However, you need to take the appropriate steps to secure it. Here’s a guide for what you need to do after a truck accident.

Get Medical Treatment

After a truck accident, it’s important to seek prompt medical treatment. Even if you feel fine, seeing a doctor is not something you should procrastinate on doing. You could be in shock or have internal injuries that could be life-threatening. 

Seeing a doctor will help your case immensely. If you wait too long, the insurance company could claim that you were not seriously injured and should not be entitled to any compensation. So the sooner you get medical treatment, the better. 

Call the Police

Police officers can be helpful after a truck accident. They can clear traffic and ensure debris is removed from the scene as quickly as possible. Police officers are also trained to record crucial details and evidence.

The police officer will generate a report, which is a vital piece of evidence that can support your claims. It documents important information such as the date, time, location, and any citations or violations. The report may also include witness statements, photographs, and assessments of fault.

The police report adds credibility to your case. Insurance companies and lawyers often rely on these reports to assess liability and determine compensation.

Collect Information and Evidence

Truck accidents can happen in a number of ways. How did the crash happen? What was each vehicle doing at the time? What damage occurred? It’s important to record as much information as possible about the accident. This includes personal information about everyone involved, as well as contact information for witnesses. Get descriptions of the other vehicles involved. Jot down details about property damage and details. Photos are especially helpful in these cases. 

You should also include information about the environment. When and where did the accident happen? Also include helpful information about road conditions and weather. If there are visibility issues, such as darkness and poor lighting, that could be helpful as well. 

Hire a Connecticut Commercial Truck Accident Lawyer

Commercial truck accident claims in Connecticut are complex. You need someone on your side who has experience handling these cases. The right person needs to act quickly to gather evidence and help you get the best outcome possible. In Connecticut, you have just two years to file an auto accident claim, so time is of the essence. 

Contact Us Today

Commercial truck accident injury claims in Connecticut require an experienced lawyer. Don’t try to handle such a case on your own.

Connecticut commercial truck accident lawyer Bert McDowell can assist you after a crash. Bert Law is a commercial truck injury lawyer who has unique experience in the trucking industry, allowing him to implement a very aggressive investigative approach with all truck accident cases. If you or a loved one has been injured in a trucking accident, bring on Bert! To schedule a consultation, call (475) 207-4937 or fill out the online form.