Shelton Burn Injury Lawyer | Bert McDowell Injury Law | Bert McDowell Injury Law

Shelton Burn Injury Lawyer

Do I need a Shelton Burn Injury Lawyer?Shelton Burn Injury Lawyer

Many severe burn injuries occur in this country every year and are often the result of negligence. Burns can be catastrophic and have devastating effects on your life. If you suffered burn damage because of someone else’s careless actions, you may have a right to recover compensation for your injuries.

The civil court process requires knowledge of vital deadlines and tort statutes. Contacting a seasoned catastrophic injury lawyer could help you get the maximum award amount you need to recover. Call a Connecticut burn injury attorney at Bert McDowell Injury Law for help with your claim.

Burn Injury Classification and Types

Burn injuries usually fall within three basic categories, and those include:

First-Degree Burns

First-degree burns are minor or superficial injuries. The wound only affects the outer layer of skin or epidermis, and the area is red and painful, but there is no blistering.

Second-Degree Burns

Second-degree burns cause more skin damage to the first layer of skin and part of the dermis or second layer. The burn site is red and swollen, and there may be some blistering.

Third-Degree Burns

Third-degree burns are severe and will destroy the epidermis and dermis layers of skin. The injury can also cause damage to bones, tendons, and muscles and may appear charred or white.

The Various Types of Burn Injuries

There are four significant types of burn injuries:

  • Thermal burns: Occur when a heat source such as scalding liquids, flames, or steam comes in contact with the skin
  • Chemical burns: Happen when the skin comes in contact with powerful alkalies, acids, or solvents
  • Electrical burns: Result when a person’s body comes in contact with a direct or alternating current
  • Radiation burns: May occur after extensive exposure to ultraviolet or radiation rays

A medical professional may classify the wound as a fourth-degree burn injury when it causes severe damage to the bones, tendons, and muscles. When a person suffers from third or fourth-degree burns, they must seek medical care immediately. A knowledgeable Connecticut burn injury lawyer like Bert McDowell could answer questions about the types and classifications of wounds.

Reporting Treatment for Severe Burn Injuries

Healthcare providers have a legal obligation to report specific burn injuries upon treatment. According to Connecticut General Statutes § 19a-510a, the treating physician or representative must report severe burn injuries to the Office of the State Fire Marshal within 48 hours of treatment. Severe burns include:

  • Second-degree burns that cover over five percent of the body
  • Upper respiratory tract burns
  • Inhalation injuries from smoke
  • Injuries that may cause death

The healthcare provider must also report any burns that result from fireworks. The fire marshal will complete an investigation after receiving the report, which could help an injured party establish liability.

Recovering Compensation for Burn Damages

Personal injury law could entitle a victim in burn injury cases to recover economic and non-economic damages after proving negligence. Economic damages cover expenses such as medical treatment and ongoing care, lost wages, and future earning potential.

Non-economic damages cover non-monetary losses that are more challenging to establish, such as mental anguish and permanent disfigurement. A skilled burn injury attorney in Connecticut could help investigate and collect the evidence needed to establish losses related to the accident.

Schedule a Consultation with a Connecticut Burn Injury Lawyer

Severe burns are some of the most excruciating injuries a person can suffer and often leave the party with permanent scarring or disfigurement. Sadly, these life-altering injuries often occur in preventable accidents because of a person’s careless actions.

If someone else’s negligence caused you to suffer damages, a Connecticut burn injury attorney could help you recover compensation for your losses. A dedicated lawyer at Bert McDowell Injury Law could advocate on your behalf and fight for the fair settlement you need for a full recovery. If you need help collecting compensation for damages, then Bring on Bert!

Call today to get started.