Bus accidents are not as common as other types of automobile crashes. However, when they do occur, they usually result in more severe damage and injuries. Most of these kinds of collisions happen either because of a bus driver’s error or a negligent third-party driver’s negligence.
If you were involved in this type of crash because of someone else’s careless or reckless actions, an experienced personal injury lawyer could help you seek damages. A court award could cover medical expenses, missed time from work, and pain and suffering. For help with recovering compensation, get in touch with a Guilford bus accident attorney at Bert McDowell Injury Law to schedule a time to meet.
Many individuals and entities could be at-fault for a passenger-carrying bus accident. Determining the liable parties is often challenging, and many cases list more than one defendant. If a reckless third-party motorist holds partial liability for the crash, a civil claim could list them as a defendant.
A driver, the transportation company, or the entity responsible for maintenance and upkeep could also be at-fault. Government agencies own many public transportation companies and could be held liable.
However, there are also private entities managing transportation companies. There are alternate processes and rules to follow when filing an injury claim, depending on the agency that owns the bus. A proactive Guilford bus crash lawyer could thoroughly investigate a wreck and review all of the available evidence to ensure all parties that hold liability are held accountable for their actions.
Just like accidents involving passenger cars or other motor vehicles, bus crashes occur for various reasons. Even though public transportation drivers are required to complete extensive training and are expected to use best safety practices while behind the wheel, mistakes and accidents happen. Outside factors can also cause bus accidents, such as a negligent third-party driver or poor weather conditions. Some of the most common causes of bus collisions in Guilford include:
Passenger bus accident cases are complex and often involve multiple defendants, all with an insurer and attorney representing them. A seasoned bus wreck attorney in Guilford could handle all communication and negotiations with insurance companies and defendant attorneys to ensure a victim’s rights are protected.
The court requires that transportation businesses and bus drivers do their part to avoid causing harm to passengers or outside parties. According to the Connecticut General Statutes § 13b-86, state public transportation laws hold buses or common carriers to the highest standard and level of care while transporting passengers or operating their vehicles. This higher standard of care significantly reduces an injured party’s burden of proof when demonstrating liability and simplifies the civil claim process.
Millions of people countrywide depend on a bus or other public transportation on a daily basis to make it to and from their destinations safely. Yet, accidents still occur and often leave passengers or people outside of the bus with severe injuries and property damages. If a party’s careless or reckless actions caused an avoidable crash, you have the right to expect them to pay for your losses.
A comprehensive claim for damages could cover all of your medical expenses related to the accident, salary for missing time from work, mental anguish, and physical pain and suffering. Call a Guilford bus accident attorney at Bert McDowell Injury Law today for more information. If you are ready to seek justice in your case—Bring on Bert!