Do I need a Bridgeport Unsafe Lane Changes Accident Lawyer?
It is a common experience: you’re driving along, following the rules of the road, when out of nowhere, another car tries to enter your lane, causing you to either have to slam on the brakes, try to swerve out of the way or suffer a collision. Though there are many reasons why drivers make unsafe lane changes that can result in an accident, the truth of the matter is that if you were hurt in an accident caused by someone else’s poor driving decisions.
In these cases, you are likely entitled to compensation for your injuries.
If you or someone you love has been injured in an unsafe lane change accident in Bridgeport, reach out to an experienced accident attorney. The time immediately following an accident can be overwhelming and confusing, and an accident attorney can help inform you of your rights and help you decide what the best course of action is for your situation.
When you are ready, reach out to Bert McDowell Injury Law. Bert McDowell is an experienced attorney who will fight for you and ensure that you have the best chance at recovering the maximum amount of compensation to which you are entitled.
Contact us today by calling (203) 590-9169 or fill out our online contact form to set up your free, no-obligation consultation. We are ready to start fighting for you.
Work With an Experienced Bridgeport Unsafe Lane Changes Accident Lawyer
If you have been injured in an unsafe lane change accident, you might be tempted to try to get the whole ordeal over as quickly as possible, which may include taking the first offer that the insurance company offers you. Though that reaction is understandable, unfortunately, it is rarely in your best interest.
Though insurance companies make a big show out of saying they are your friends, neighbors, or family, the truth of the matter is that they are, first and foremost, businesses. As such, the only thing they are truly concerned about is their bottom line — and not your well-being as their client.
Fortunately, even if the insurance companies are not on your side, Bert McDowell will be. He will stand up against the insurance companies and fight to get you the money you need to make a true recovery from your accident.
Before you even talk with the insurance company, call an experienced Bridgeport accident attorney to explore your options and ensure that the path you take is the best one for you.
In addition to educating you about your rights, an accident attorney can help with many other aspects of your recovery from the accident. They can act as a liaison between you and the insurance company.
They can help investigate the accident to help establish the fault of the liable party. They can hire expert witnesses to testify for you in a trial if the situation comes to that.
There are many benefits to hiring a Bridgeport unsafe lane change accident attorney, so call Bert McDowell today to learn about all the ways that he can help you.
What Causes Unsafe Lane Change Accidents?
In Connecticut, the law states that “a vehicle shall be driven as nearly as practicable entirely within a single lane and shall not be moved from such lane until the driver has ascertained that such movement can be made with safety.”
In other words, a driver should only try to switch lanes if they have determined that it is safe to do so. Though this may seem like common sense, unfortunately, there are many drivers who regularly fail to take these precautions.
Though there are many reasons why a driver may engage in behavior that results in an accident because of an unsafe lane change, some of the most common accident causes are:
Failing to check side and rearview mirrors before changing lanes
Failing to check the vehicle’s blind spot before changing lanes
Merging at the incorrect speed (either too fast or too slow)
If you have been involved in an unsafe lane change accident, reach out to an experienced accident attorney to learn about your rights. Your attorney will be able to explain your options to you and help you explore every legal avenue available.
Do yourself a favor and ensure that all your bases are covered by calling an accident attorney to help you navigate this difficult time.
What Should I Do if I Have Been Involved in an Unsafe Lane Change Accident?
Being in an accident can be scary, and even the most experienced drivers are likely to feel shaken. However, there are some important steps that you should take in the event of an accident to increase your chances of a full medical and financial recovery.
Move to Safety
The most important thing you can do in the immediate aftermath of an accident is to move your vehicle out of the road and onto the median or the shoulder if you are able. Keeping yourself safe after the accident should be your number one priority, and getting out of the way of traffic is the best way to prevent a worse accident from happening.
However, while you should move your vehicle out of traffic, you should never leave the scene of the accident unless directed to by the police.
Call the Police
In Connecticut, you are legally required to call the police after any accident that results in injuries, death, or property damage over the amount of $1000. Calling the authorities will result in a police report documenting the accident, which is something that insurance companies will require.
Additionally, if you need to take your case to trial, the police report will be an important piece of evidence your attorney will use to help establish fault for the accident.
Document the Scene
Once you have called the local police, start taking pictures. Take pictures of any injuries you or your passengers sustained, the damage to your vehicle, as well as damage to any other vehicles involved.
You can take pictures to help establish where exactly the accident occurred, as well as pictures of any other relevant information, such as the weather that day, any signs that may have been directing traffic, and specific road conditions.
Exchange Contact Information
If you are able, exchange names, phone numbers, and insurance information for any drivers who were involved in the accident. Though it can be tempting, avoid getting into any arguments or trying to assign blame during this time.
Additionally, if there were any witnesses of the accident, try to collect their contact information as well, as they can offer important testimony that could possibly help your case.
Visit a Medical Professional
If you have been involved in any sort of car accident, you should seek medical attention from a professional, whether you think you have been injured or not.
There are several reasons why seeking is important, even when you aren’t sure if you’re hurt. The first reason is your health: doctors are familiar with common car accident injuries and will know what to check for when you come in, thus allowing them to diagnose injuries that you may not be aware of.
Secondly, your doctor will record your injuries, and that record will help tie your injuries to the accident. Without a medical report after the accident, the insurance company may try to argue that the injuries you sustained happened at another time, and thus, they shouldn’t be responsible for providing compensation to you.
Hire an Accident Attorney
As soon as you are able, talk with an accident attorney who can help guide you through the time immediately after your accident. An attorney will let you know your options after the accident and will advise you on your best courses of action.
Not only will your attorney ensure that you do everything that is legally necessary (and beneficial) following the accident, but they can also act as a liaison between you and insurance companies or between you and the responsible party.
Hiring an attorney will help you feel assured that you have done everything you need to do while knowing that someone is fighting for you.
Get Help From Our Bridgeport Unsafe Lane Changes Accident Law Firm
If you or a loved one has been injured in a Bridgeport unsafe lane change accident, chances are that your life has been significantly affected by the accident. Instead of trying to handle everything on your own, reach out to an established unsafe lane change law firm to learn more about what an experienced accident attorney can do for you.
At Bert McDowell Injury Law, our whole mission is to help victims receive the compensation they need and deserve in order to recover from their injuries and move forward with their lives. We know how difficult this time can be, and we want nothing more than to help you during this unfortunate time in your life.
To set up your free, no-obligation consultation, call us at (203) 590-9169 or fill out our online contact form so that we can hear about your accident and devise a legal strategy designed to maximize your chances of receiving the compensation you need. When you are ready, Bring on Bert!